3 Steps on how to let S*^# go!
I need an extension - on extending children's interests
“You don’t look like you’re enjoying your job, what are you stressed about?” “I have so much paperwork”, sighs the educator with a furrowed brow as she looks up between piles of folders, and trimmed p...
Australian Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
Child-led learning activities
Early childhood education
Educator stress management
Enhancing child engagement
Extending children's interests
Meaningful learning experiences
Planning cycle in education
Reflective practice in education
Responsive teaching strategies
child education
early childhood education
It's time to teach food to our children...
Why we must sing to our babies
What is technology really doing to our children?
The amount of screen time children receive is alarming. Ernest et al. (2014) report that on average, 83% of children under the age of 6 years old in the United States today use some form of screen tim...
Childhood aggression and media exposure
Children's sleep patterns and technology
Family dynamics and media usage
Healthy technology use for children
Impact of technology on children
Long-term effects of screen time on kids
Media devices and family interactions
Screen time effects on kids
Technology and childhood obesity
Earth Child
Anything is possible