Educator Toolkit for Behaviour Workbook
A resource for educators to unpack children's behaviour, foster social and emotional learning, and implement the Phoenix Cups® Framework.
An essential introduction for teachers and educators to The Phoenix Cups framework; a philosophy in which your team can share ideas, language, and understandings about human behaviour. This comprehensive workbook is the perfect companion to helping you understand children's behaviour and implement a life changing framework to build relationships, and foster educational environments where everyone can thrive. This is not JUST a stunning, best friend of a workbook. It comes packed with awesome stories, practical strategies, and inspiring conversation starters in the full colour pages. Excite and inspire your teaching team to try something new - that works!
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ISBN: 978-0-6487058-4-0
Activities and interactive content
This book includes 25 activities from Pop Quiz's, Discussions, Reflections, to Practice activities. Learn through story, info graphics, templates and reflections.
This product does not include the interactive online course. This can be purchased separately or head back to the shop to find it as a bundle.
Take a look at the course

Full colour - engaging content.
You will love the step by step guide to implementing and leading a positive approach to understanding and supporting children's social and emotional learning. Every full colour page has been expertly designed to be easy to follow, digestible, and memorable.
This workbook is 100% Australian designed, owned, and produced. It is written by Sandi Phoenix, designed by graphic artist, Jodi Duncan, edited and produced by the team at Phoenix Support for Educators, and printed in Brisbane.