Phoenix Support For Educators, Sandi Phoenix From Behaviour ‘Management’ to Fostering Wellbeing – A Way Forward Psychology: The science of behaviour (Carlson & Buskist, 1996) was the first textbook I owned as a bright-eyed undergraduate embarking on my mission to leave the world just a little bit better. It was... Behaviour Guidance Behaviour management Child wellbeing Children's behaviour Classroom interventions Early childhood education Educator wellbeing strategies Emotional development in children Humanistic psychology Phoenix Cups framework Positive education Positive psychology behaviour management 26 Jun 2024 Blog
Phoenix Support For Educators, Sandi Phoenix The Advocate for Childhood Let’s discuss ‘that child’ found in many education and care settings. However, let’s not label him ‘that child’, and respectfully use his real name, Jacob. Jacob is spirited, energetic and a non-confo... Child-led learning Childhood Childhood advocacy Childhood advocate Early childhood education Flexible learning environments Freedom Cup Freedom in education Intrinsic motivation Outdoor play benefits Phoenix Cups Proprioceptive activities Risky play benefits child education sensory development 30 Jun 2021 Blog
Hannah Powell Taking the ego out of teaching DOWNLOAD PDF PRINTABLE HERE >>> As we continue to evolve in our understandings of early childhood research and theory, in particular in the area of neuroscience, we are moving in directions that are i... Child autonomy in learning Child-led learning Classroom management strategies Early childhood education Educational neuroscience Play-based Learning Professional integrity in teaching Reflective teaching practices Teacher ego Values-based education 24 Jun 2021 Blog
Hannah Powell “I’m into risky play...BUT” DOWNLOAD PDF PRINTABLE HERE >>> ” The new “I’m not racist...BUT” of early childhood. It’s too conclusive to argue with - the research is out, nearly every professional development, conference, blog po... Child development understanding Child risk assessment Classroom safety guidelines Early childhood education Educator strategies Emotional resilience in children Outdoor play safety Play-based Learning Risky play benefits 24 Jun 2021 Blog
Helen E. Buckley "The little boy" poem I am posting this powerful poem for critical thinking about teacher-led art experiences. The reason is two-fold; 1) I can't find a nice post of it on the internet; 2) I have found two versions of the ... Art in education Child autonomy in learning Childhood Children's behaviour Classroom dynamics Creative expression Developmental psychology Early childhood education Education philosophy Individual creativity Student-teacher relationship Teacher-led activities poem teacher 31 Oct 2020 Blog