About Louise
Dr Louise Porter is passionate about safeguarding children's self esteem, promoting their social skills, and supporting their resilience in the face of the challenges that life often raises.
Louise advocates for teaching children to behave considerately, being mindful of how their behaviour affects others, rather than what consequences it may earn them. She has taught at university, conducted a private practice for 30 years, and worked in both mainstream and disability agencies and schools. She is an outstanding author of some of the best texts in the world on the topic of guidance.
Louise is a popular keynote speaker throughout Australia and internationally.
From Louise:
"Over the past ten years as a consultant psychologist, in addition to the conference presentations already listed, I have offered a considerable number of professional development sessions for early childhood teachers and caregivers within early childhood and school, with psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, child health nurses, social workers, community health workers and other diverse professionals frequently attending my sessions.
Topics on which I present include behavioural guidance, social or emotional needs of children, giftedness, assessment and programming for children with disabilities, or collaboration with parents. Sessions are sometimes overviews or they might examine specific issues such as management of children with the attention deficit disorders, aggression and bullying, curricular differentiation for gifted students, identification of giftedness, or policy development in any of these areas."