Phoenix Support For Educators, Sandi Phoenix Need a behaviour chart? The power of positive interactions in supporting children's behavioural learning By Sandi Phoenix B.Psych.Sc Sticker charts, rewards, and positive reinforcement systems are commonly used to ‘shape’ ch... Behavioural expectations Behavioural guidance Behavioural learning Child behavior management Classroom management strategies Educator strategies Effective teaching methods Interaction ratio Positive interactions Positive reinforcement systems 1 Aug 2021
Hannah Powell Taking the ego out of teaching DOWNLOAD PDF PRINTABLE HERE >>> As we continue to evolve in our understandings of early childhood research and theory, in particular in the area of neuroscience, we are moving in directions that are i... Child autonomy in learning Child-led learning Classroom management strategies Early childhood education Educational neuroscience Play-based Learning Professional integrity in teaching Reflective teaching practices Teacher ego Values-based education 24 Jun 2021