Making Reading Magic! | Phoenix Support For Educators

Making Reading Magic!

Nurturing readers in our young people is all about reading aloud, modelling good reading habits and having a ready supply of beautiful books on hand - in the home and in educational settings.

The books we choose to share with the children in our care, the educational experiences we create to complement those books, and the way we talk to parents about sharing quality books at home, is important in encouraging children to read. Nurturing readers is all about using reading to develop a love for words and language and creating memorable experiences around reading.

Making reading MAGIC!

  • Plan ahead: know which book you're going to read, and read it to yourself. Look for opportunities to build an action or physical activity from an event or character in the book, and make reading time more animated and engaging.
  • Use your children's interests or recent events to guide your book choice. For example, if they found a nest in the playground, choose a book with a story about a bird family. Draw on something they can not only enjoy a story about, but go on to talk about with their friends and family when they get home.
  • Use illustrations and sensory tools to support more active and visual learners! Bring toys or items into the room that might be part of the story to help visual and sensory learners stay engaged and included.

So select your books with care, read them with passion and ignite that little spark of story joy in the minds of the children in your care.

Some Of Our Favourite Books

Kitty and I 

By Karyn Connors

There's a Bully in my Brain

By Lauren Thompson

 Too Much Monkey

By Michelle Worthington
Cup Filling Adventure for Families